We are the sum of our experiences.
And some of these experiences were not so great.
If you’re suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma or abuse, you know how difficult just living day to day can be. The effects can be low self-esteem, persisting negative thoughts, difficulty in relationships and hopelessness.
But you don’t need to live like that anymore.
Let me help you heal from the pain and live a happier life.
Let’s change the negative thought patterns and the self defeating behaviors. Let’s get you feeling good about yourself.
I offer therapy in Las Vegas both in-person or via HIPAA compliant video.

Often, change can occur quite quickly.
Usually, clients start feeling better after the first few sessions.

The more committed you are to change and willing to do the work, the quicker this will happen. I promise to be there to guide you through the difficult times.
As a therapist in Las Vegas, I use many theoretical orientations so I am able to use the best and most effective approach for each client. Therapy should never be “one size fits all”.
You will learn useful skills to help you continue on the path to growth, healing and happiness.
For those of you that would just like to change some unhealthy behaviors, therapy can be enormously effective.
Change the way you think and you can change your life!

What People Are Saying
“Helaine holds me accountable. She doesn’t let me get away with my b…s…t. I need that.”
“Helaine saved my life!”
“I started seeing Helaine when I was 16. She helped me change in ways I never thought possible.”
“Helaine has played a critical role in my recovery. I would not be where I am today without her professional insight and intuition.”
“I started therapy with Helaine at the end of a marriage that had left me emotionally devastated. At the time I was deeply depressed and full of rage. That marriage had brought up unresolved issues from my childhood, emotional troubles that had plagued my life. I had been in and out of therapy most of my life and never felt completely healed. At the end of that first year with Helaine, I did.”