Therapy for Sex Addiction
If sexually compulsive behaviors are negatively affecting your life and have caused you feelings of distress, hopelessness and shame, you might be struggling with sexual addiction.
If you have tried to stop these behaviors before and find that you can’t, there is help.
Sexual addiction ruins relationships, can cost you your job, can result in high risk and dangerous situations, and the consequences can be severe.
Keeping secrets takes a toll.

Therapy for Pornography Addiction

Because online pornography is accessible, very often free, and it can be accessed anytime, anywhere, there has been a growing number of individuals struggling with this problem.
An addiction to pornography can interfere with your personal and professional obligations, quality time with your family, and sexual and emotional intimacy with your partner.
Desensitization can occur and more extreme and disturbing images are required for arousal.
Pornography addiction is often a springboard to other destructive behaviors.
In therapy, we address not only the present behavior but the underlying causes.
Therapy, along with a 12-step program can help the addict refrain from self-destructive behaviors, teach them new coping strategies as well as understand themselves.
Many of my clients have gone on to live sexually healthy lives, heal their marriages and relationships, and find a renewed sense of hope and purpose—living a life free of hiding and lying.
Therapy for Partners of Sex Addicts
There is also help for partners of sex addicts. Their trauma and pain need to be addressed.
The goal is to heal the individual, set boundaries, and navigate a relationship where the trust and respect has been broken. At the same time, we work towards honesty and transparency in the relationship. It takes time, but it is possible.
I received training with Dr. Patrick Carnes and follow his methodology. His comprehensive program addresses all area of this complex issue.